Do You Belong Here? A Sharing Our Faith Discussion

Date: February 09, 2025

Leader: Sally Palmer Woods Brenda Diebel

The promise of belonging taps into a deep longing to be connected, to have a place that is ours, to know our purpose. To be seen, acknowledged, understood. Join us this Sunday to share in your experiences of belonging …. or not belonging. Service Leaders:  Sally Palmer-Woods and Brenda Diebel
Musician – Mona Chiasson

Attend the service in-person, 10:30 am at Unitarian Place, 1502 Mountdale at Frederica, or join on Zoom.

To Join the Zoom service on-line
Zoom Link:…
Meeting ID:    889 9754 3526                Passcode: 693663

Sharing Our Faith Sunday

February 9 is our Sharing Our Faith Sunday.  This is an opportunity to show our gratitude for the gifts of our larger Unitarian Universalist Community by contributing back so that others can grow our UU values as we are doing.  We have received several grants that have helped us pay for some of our technology, speakers etc.  A special collection will be taken.  

About the Sharing our Faith Fund

Sharing Our Faith is a program of the Canadian Unitarian Council, supporting projects that enhance ministry, growth, and outreach for congregations and for the Unitarian Universalist movement in Canada. The program is designed to encourage greater associational awareness in our congregations, the fostering of relationships, and a sense of community and connection among and between our member congregations and communities.

Each year, the Sharing our Faith fund is renewed with money collected by congregations, and from a Foundation Fund administered by the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. These donations are sent to the CUC to be distributed as grants to congregations and UU communities applying for projects they may not otherwise afford.

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