Social Justice

Unitarian Universalists have long seen social justice as one of the most important elements of their faith. Indeed many of the world’s greatest movements have had Unitarian and Universalist roots and participants. Lakehead Unitarian Fellowship members and friends are involved in a variety of social justice issues and activities both inside and outside the walls of the Fellowship. A local group outside of LUF is the Thunder Bay chapter of Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ). Many of those involved with CUSJ are also members and friends of LUF. Members interested in engaging in social justice projects can develop a plan and simply present it to the LUF Board for approval.

Join The Ripple Effect CUC Call to Action 2019-2020

Plunge into 2019 with the CUC as we explore issues surrounding WATER. Our interconnections with it, and responsibilities to it.

Join other Unitarians and water activists across the country as we start ripples of change!

Learn more at the CUC website:

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