Who’s Who
LUF is a liberal religious community that is an independent not-for-profit corporation and registered charity, with a board of directors that is elected by the membership at our Annual General Meeting. LUF is a member congregation of the Canadian Unitarian Council. LUF Board Meetings are held monthly. They are open to members and friends. You can learn more about membership here.
LUF operates with the guidance of our Bylaw And Policy Manual.
2019 LUF BP Manual Section A Bylaw and Addenda 1
2020 LUF BP Manual Section B Policy All Committees
The Board of Directors for LUF for 2024 – 2025
- President – Sandra McIver
- Vice-President – Dianne Potts
- Secretary – Pyteke Blaauw
- Treasurer –
- Past-President – David Belrose
At Large members:
- Brenda Gillespie
- Irene Semenuk
- Fred Maycock
Committees and Chairs/Contact people
- Archives:
- Bylaw & Policy Committee: David Belrose
- Care Coordinator: Heidi Wahl
- Children’s Religious Exploration:
- Fellowship Life/Membership:
- Finance:
- Lay Chaplaincy Committee: Jean Armstrong
- Newsletter: Angela Bach
- Nominating: David Belrose
- Property: Fred Maycock
- Social Action:
- Sunday Services/Worship: Brenda Diebel
- Webmaster: David Belrose – Angela Bach
Administration and Staff
Our Administrator is Angela Bach. The office phone number is 344-5980 and she can be reached by email at lufship@tbaytel.net. Please call Angela for current office hours and/or to arrange an appointment. Phone and e-mail messages are checked regularly. If visiting, it is advisable to call to be sure someone is there to let you in. At other times please send email or leave voicemail at 344-5980 and someone will get back to you during office hours.
Our Bookkeeper is Angela Bach.
Our Religious Exploration Coordinator is unfilled at the present time.
Our Lay Chaplains are:
Brenda Diebel 807-630-6276
Heidi Wahl 807-622-1699
Phyllis Danu 416-627-9666
Our Endowment Fund Trustees are:
- Margaret Wanlin
- Greg Brumpton
- Susan Woods
Our Financial Reviewers are:
- David Diebel
- Rob Van Wyck